Mental Disorders, Mental Illness and the Family Court
"A Reference Guide for Non-Medical Professionals"

Author: Dr Joan Rutherford, Jennifer Cross JP, Dr Stephanie Tolan, Dr Andy Cohen
Publication date: November 30, 2021
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What the publisher says:
Mental Disorders, Mental Illness and the Family Court provides information on more than 70 mental health conditions found in children, young people and adults. It is designed specifically for non-medical professionals who practise in public and private work in the Family Court, and advises on what adjustments need to be considered for those appearing in court who are suffering with a mental disorder.
It provides:
- Clear descriptions of the nature of each mental disorder, as well as their treatment and management, with links to further information and specialist help
- Explanations of how mental disorders and illness can impact on family dynamics and relationships
Case studies that illustrate real-life scenarios
In addressing the legal framework of the Family Court, the authors look at the crossover between the Children Act 1989 and the Mental Health Act 1983 in how they relate to children and young people, and show how reports and assessments that are produced for the Family Court fit into this.
This is an essential title for all those who work within the Family Court jurisdiction from judges, magistrates and family lawyers to Cafcass officers, social workers and CAMHS multi-disciplinary teams. It will also provide useful insights for parents, carers and guardians involved with the Family Court.

In a Family Law system designed for combative parents there is no real allowance for the views of children and any understanding of how Family Law ultimately impacts on children most of all.
We speak for the children in Family Law so that, finally, the children have a voice.
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