Numbers of Cafcass Family Court Advisors

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Cafcass were asked:

Can you please provide the number of Cafcass Practitioners (or Family Court Advisors if you prefer that term) employed by or contracted by Cafcass, identified by region. Please provide this information by ‘year beginning’ for the past three years. ie: Beginning of 2015, 2016, and beginning 2017.

Cafcass responded: Please see table one below for this information. These figures include employed (including Bank and Sessional practitioners) and agency practitioners. They also include Self Employed Contractors (SECs) with an active caseload as at these dates.

As Cafcass does not have SEC data for January 2015 and the service area from this period would be inaccurate given changes to service area structure, data has only been provided for January 2016 and January 2017.

Region Service Area 1st Jan 2016 1st Jan 2017
Tyneside and Northumbria A1 51 54
Durham, Teesside, North
Yorkshire, York, Cumbria and
A2 114 109
Greater Manchester A3 82 79
South Yorkshire and
A4 60 65
West Yorkshire A5 72 67
Hampshire, The Isle of Wight
and Dorset
A6 52 51
Avon, Gloucestershire,
Wiltshire and Thames Valley
A7 86 86
Cornwall, Devon and
A8 62 68
Cheshire and Merseyside A9 95 100
Leicestershire, Lincolnshire
and Cambridgeshire
A10 55 51
Derbyshire and
A11 65 67
Birmingham, the Black
Country, Shropshire and
A12 96 97
National Business Centre,
Coventry, Northamptonshire
& Buckinghamshire
A13 63 66
Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk,
Hertfordshire and
A14 117 117
Greater London (Public Law) A15a 131 146
Greater London (Private Law) A15b 80 85
Surrey and Sussex A16 54 57
Kent A17 43 40
N/A (Self Employed Contractors) SEC 2 2
Totals   1,380 1,407
Total Employees1749172716161711
FCAs who left132101140111
Dismissed FCAs9269
FCAs who left under a compromise agreement0340
Cafcass referrals to HCPC about an FCA5034
HCPC registration gender breakdown - all social workers81.56%18.44%
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