Cafcass Positive Parenting Programme (CPPP)

Cafcass are pushing their Positive Parenting Programme as a panacea to high conflict cases. Earlier they referred to it as “Expertise in intervention with families to reduce impact of high conflict on children” but have since renamed it.
Please provide a copy of this training module: “Expertise in intervention with families to reduce impact of high conflict on children”.
Cafcass does not have a training module titled ‘Expertise in intervention with families to reduce impact of high conflict on children’.
This training (which was referenced by Cafcass in a response to a previous FOI request CAF16-159) was actually in development at the time of the response and subsequently became the Cafcass Positive Parenting Programme (CPPP), which is currently being piloted.
Cafcass has not run training entitled ‘Expertise in intervention with families to reduce impact of high conflict on children’
However, the CPPP pilot commenced in June 2017 and is still ongoing
The CPPP training is in its pilot stage and is still underway and complete data on numbers of employees who have received this training is not yet available.
Cafcass provided a copy of the training document. You can view it here:

In a Family Law system designed for combative parents there is no real allowance for the views of children and any understanding of how Family Law ultimately impacts on children most of all.
We speak for the children in Family Law so that, finally, the children have a voice.