Post-Separation Control and Parental Alienation Training Course
Once you’ve completed this training module YOU will be more qualified in identifying Parental Alienation than most Cafcass FCAs.
Read MoreCafcass eLearning completion rates for all staff
Cafcass say “our Family Court Advisers receive training while at Cafcass in order to assist with their continued professional development” But do they really? (no…)
Read MoreCafcass and Emotional Harm Webinar Training
Howe many Cafcass FCAs do you think attended an important webinar training session on Emotional Harm run by the Cafcass CEO Anthony Douglas?
Read MoreParental Alienation and the NHS
Our researchers have started to widen the net with their research on Parental Alienation beyond Cafcass and the Courts to the support services that surround children in everyday life.
Read MoreCafcass Webinars 2016 and 2017
You may have read our post about Anthony Douglas and his infamous Parental Alienation webinar that he gave to his Cafcass employees earlier this year to which only 2% of his 1,400 FCAs bothered to turn up. You can also read our post about Anthony Douglas and his Emotional Harm webinar and see the attendance…
Read MoreCafcass National Improvement Service (NIS)
Who are Cafcass National Improvement Service (NIS) and why does it matter that they’re not independent or apparently appropriately qualified?
Read MoreCafcass and their Assessment of Coercive Control Tool
The Crown Prosecution Service have this to say about Controlling or Coercive Behaviour: 3. Understanding Controlling or Coercive Behaviour In September 2012 the Government published guidance which may assist prosecutors to better understand the nature and features of controlling or coercive behaviour. Domestic violence and abuse is defined as: “Any incident or pattern of incidents…
Read MoreCafcass and other Organisations
Who have Cafcass been meeting with to hear views and concerns and to formulate policy decisions?
Read MoreCafcass and their Safe Contact Indicator Tool
Research into the guidance and training Cafcass provide to their own FCAs on the use of their Safe Contact Indicator Tool.
Read MoreNAHT advice on parental conflict
What guidance is available to Headteachers on dealing with parental conflict in schools including pickups, name changes, Cafcass, and court orders.
Read MoreMy needs, wishes and feelings – Guidance for Cafcass practitioners
What guidance do Cafcass provide to their FCAs on understanding and reporting on the needs, wishes and feelings of children? View the forms they make children complete.
Read MoreCafcass Operating Framework 2017
Research into Cafcass’ new Operating Framework published in August 2017
Read MoreThe Welfare Checklist and the Paramountcy Principle – Children Act 1989
The Government and Family Courts are meant to consider the welfare of the children as their paramount concern. What does that actually mean?
Read MoreCAFCASS and Woman’s Aid – Let’s look at the numbers…
We take a closer look at some of the detail contained in the recent CAFCASS / Woman’s Aid joint research.
Read MoreParental Alienation Resources and useful links
You may find some of these Parental Alienation resources useful for you, your family, and your support network
Read MoreSurvey into Cafcass involvement in court cases
This survey is for Resident Parents and Non-Resident Parents who have had involvement with Cafcass
Read MoreSchools, safeguarding, emotional abuse, and parental alienation
All school and college staff should be aware of the various forms of abuse, including emotional harm, so that they are able to identify children in need of help and support and know what action to take
Read MoreMothers and Fathers in Prison
Comparing the attitudes of the Judiciary and MPs on the imprisonment of parents within the Family Courts to the statistics within the Criminal Courts
Read MoreCafcass Complaints – data between 2011 and 2014
How many complaints have been made against the Cafcass in the last three years; and how many such complaints have been upheld?
Read MoreHMCTS and Domestic Violence
Earlier today Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division released PD12J on Domestic abuse. But what training is available to judges?
Read MoreHMCTS and Parental Alienation
How much do HMCTS Her Majesties Courts and Tribunal Service know about Parental Alienation?
Read MoreJudicial Enforcement of Child Arrangements Orders. MoJ figures
We would like to start with three quotes The family court has powers to address a breach if someone has been wilfully obstructive. Sir Oliver Heald, Minister of State, Ministry of Justice, 25th April 2017 Too often at present, once things start going wrong, it takes too long – too often far too…
Read MoreChild Arrangement Orders and Enforcement
Introduction If you’re reading this then we’re going to hazard a guess that you are either named on or have an interest in Child Arrangements Orders made under Section 8 of the Children’s Act 1989. We discuss these orders and give a brief overview of the process for enforcement. What are they and in what…
Read MoreImpact of Parental Hostility Tool
The Impact of Parental Hostility tool is a tool referenced often by Cafcass as the tool that Cafcass use to detect Parental Alienation. Is it fit for use?
Read MoreCafcass and Implacable Hostility (Parental Alienation)
Cafcass used to (and sometimes still does) refer to Parental Alienation as Implacable Hostility. In 2015 they were asked how they dealt with Implacable Hostility…
Read MoreCafcass Knowledge Bites
What are the Knowledge Bites that Cafcass refer to as “training modules” or “elearning modules” and how many Cafcass employees have viewed them?
Read MoreLocal Authorities, Safeguarding, and abuse of children
For some time now one of our researchers has been looking at the connections and communications channels that exist (or don’t exist) between local authorities, children’s services, Cafcass, the Police, and any healthcare professionals
Read MoreThe Cafcass Library
Cafcass often reference their inhouse Library in responses to research questions. What is it, how does it operate, and how is it used?
Read MoreHow long have Cafcass known about Parental Alienation?
Cafcass have only recently (2017) started to publicly acknowledge the existence of Parental Alienation in over 80% of UK family court cases. but how long have they known?
Read MoreIndependent Research into Cafcass Outcomes
Cafcass have never permitted any external research into the outcomes and service user satisfaction after their involvement in a case
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